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  4. Kalonline Archer Build

Beyond KalOnline - Server Update (Testserver 1.00) -Fish Buff Crafter spawned in Temporary Fort - Sea Coin shop removed - added normal fish buffs to Daily Quest rewarder - players collect normal + gold fishes now from fishing - essence droprate in tower of priest increased F7+ - exp GAP for 70+ decreased a bit. 876 Followers, 415 Following, 25 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kalonline (@kalonlinegameagit). Welcome to KAL Online support page Here you can find some helpful articles for game KAL Online. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can contact me at kalonline.ga@gmail.com. If you have any game problems please contact official C/S. ★ NEW ★ New 3rd Job Skills Here are a few other nice support pages with useful tools. Hello everybody.I'm Going To Explain How To Make A Server ( Kalonline ) Because Most Of Ppl Doesn't Know How To. You Have To Download Somethings Like A.

  • Game System
  • Tower of priest
    Tower of priest introduction
    Emperor Temoth I was all anxiety for the contract that he’d made with I’Lryer prior to the abolishment of the Balkhan Emperor and unification of Geheneh: “I’ll give you a power in exchange with the eldest sons of your monarchs,” said the powerful I’Lryer. Blinded by a desire for the power, Temoth said yes and he enthroned himself with the power endowed by I’Lryer.
    The old emperor couldn’t do nothing but regret his choice every time he faced the dashing figure of his eldest son, young Temoth II, who was named after the father.
    One day, I’Lryer came to Temoth I urging him to execute the contract, but was driven out of the palace by the emperor. As if he expected, I’Lryer left one word before he quietly left the palace: “You’ll now have to pay the price for breaking the contract.”
    I’Lryer walked across Geheneh heading north to Highland of the Sky, the land of GuhBalhan. Behind him following his way, a closed world of magic opened awakening big and small fairies from their thousand years of sleep. Unlike their pure and innocent nature described in legend, the fairies were heinous and violent influenced by the spirit of demons--that exist in the gap of space and time--during their millenary sleep. To calm down the angered fairies, the blood of five ancient tribes of Geheneh, but Temoth I was oblivious because he betrayed I’Lryer.
    I’Lryer is now waiting for a warrior who will seal the gap of space and time by unveiling ancient secrets and the identity of the demons at Highland of the Sky, City of Priest, and Tower of Priest.
    Tower of Priest special
    An ancient tower
    located in the center of Fairy Forest and surrounded by evil fairies of the forest
    where I’Lryer has resided since he was expelled from Geheneh long time ago. It is infested by fairies that were influenced by the evil energy of demons.
    -This tower consists of total 10 levels. Following the tower quests, you must clear up to the 10th level where a boss monster summoned by the spirit of I’Lryer awaits. If you successfully defeat the boss, you will be rewarded with an item that allows you to use the portal to Geheneh Continent.
    Entrance limit.
    - Tower of Priest is limited to enter as follows :
    FloorEntrance basisRemark
    1~5 floorUnlimitedUnlimitedThe Quest Item is dropped for players with the tower entry quest.
    6Floor Require restoration for [Moon-yong]100 pieces of Unknown world
    7FloorRequire restoration for [Moon-yong]200 pieces of Unknown world
    8FloorRequire restoration for [Moon-yong]300 pieces of Unknown world
    9FloorRequire restoration for [Moon-yong]500 pieces of Unknown world
    10 floor
    (I’lyer’s Room)
    United party members within at least “Platoon”.
    At least every party member must possess the quest item.
    Level Concept
    I’Lryer’s Room Top Level
    Quest item available for
    the questers.
    A magical world; rough, square obsidian columns at the different lengths shoot up and have stone stairs in between. Upper Level
    Quest item available for
    the questers.
    Octagon-shaped magical room in where no physical logics exist; there are walls, but no ceiling. And under the floor is endless space. Mid Level
    Quest item available for
    the questers.
    The bottom levels that give off an intimidating vibe with the high ceiling and thick columns. It is brighter and simpler than other levels. Lower Level
    Free for All
    Company System
    Company System is an extended party system for the entry of “I’Lryer’s Room” on the 10th level of Tower of Priest.
    An NPC assisting in forming a Company is available on the 10th level of Tower of Priest.
    3 Parties can form a “Platoon” that admits up to 18 players.
    5 Platoons can form one “Company” that admits up to 60 players.
    Area-effective magic such as multi-player healing skills affects only same Party members.

    Members of “Platoon” or “Company” will be automatically expelled if they leave the 10th level of Tower of Priest.
    Only “Platoon or Company Commander” can disband “Platoon or Company.” Platoon or Company, however, cannot be disbanded once the members enter “I’Lryer’s Room.”
    The basic formation and rules of Platoon and Company are the same as Party.
    Platoon/Company Making Guide
    Forming Platoon
    1. A full-membered party can be transformed into Platoon.
    2. To form a Platoon, speak to “Manager of Platoon and Company NPC” in the 10th floor of Tower of Priest.
    3. 'Platoon control window' can be opened by pressing 'P' key after forming a Platoon is completed.
    4. To invite a party in Platoon, click the button of Party Invitation and input the leader name of the party.
    5. Any member in Platoon can invite a player, who is not in any other party, Platoon, Company.
    (You may register 'Party' shotcut in a quick slot and invite by right-click.)
    6. Getting out of the 10th floor of Tower of Priest, you will automatically be withrawn from current Platoon.
    Check the below image to form a Platoon
    -Details of 'Platoon control window' (Shortcut key 'P')
    Forming Company
    1. A full-membered Platoon(18 members) can be transformed into a Company.
    2. To form a Company, speak to “Manager of Platoon and Company NPC” in the 10th floor of Tower of Priest.
    3. 'Company control window' can be opened by pressing 'P' key after forming a Company is completed.
    4. The way of individual invitation and party invitation in Company is same as the way of them in Platoon.
    5. A Company can invite a Platoon waiting in the 10th floor using the button of Platoon invitation.
    6. You can invite a Platoon clicking in the list opened by the function of Platoon invitation the leader name whose Platoon you want to invite.
    7. Getting out of the 10th floor of Tower of Priest, you will automatically be withrawn from current Company.
    8. Any member in Company can invite a player.
    9. Company can get in I’Lryer's room, but at least one member must possess a I’Lryer's necklace to enter.
    -The process of forming Company
    -Details of 'Company control window' (Shortcut key 'P')
    I’Lryer’s Room Organization
    - Only party members within at least “Platoon” can enter “I’Lryer’s Room.”
    To form “Platoon,” or “Company,” speak to “Platoon Request NPC” standing next to the entrance of “I’Lryer’s Room.”
    - Only a “Platoon or Company Commander” can click the door of “I’Lryer’s Room” to enter the room. Once the door is open, every member of the Platoon or Company will be automatically transported into “I’Lryer’s Room”.
    - Upon entering “I’Lryer’s Room,” at least one member of the Platoon or Company must possess “I’Lryer’s Necklace,” the quest item. Otherwise no one can enter the room. (“I’Lryer’s Necklace”: Quest Item)
    - “I’Lryer’s Room” Play Flowchart
    - The door of “I’Lryer’s Room” changes its appearance depending on the room status: occupied or vacant. If the room is already occupied by a different Platoon or Company, another group cannot enter until the fight is over.
    - If your group is victorious from the fight with the bosses, you will be given some time to loot items and the questers will receive the quest reward item. And then everyone will be returned to “City of Priest.” “Recall Scroll” and “Saving Scroll of Location” cannot be used inside Tower of Priest.
    - When a company has already hunted down both Dunamic and Cheios, other companies will not be allowed to hunt them for 24 hours.
    Quest Organization
    The “Tower of Priest” quest is to move to Geheneh Continent that will be implemented in the near future.
    The Location of the Quest NPC “Il Ja”
    -Quest Details
    1 Qualification Test: “Essence of Elemental” Il JaCollect “Essences of Elemental” from Tower of Priest.3rd Class
    2 The Passage Money:'Devah’s Soul' Il JaCollect “Souls of Undead” from Tower of Priest.1 of Each “Essence of Elemental”
    3The Trial of “I’Lryer”Il JaMeet I’Lryer in “I’Lryer’s Room” and prove your qualification. 100 “Souls of Undead” (“I’Lryer’s Necklace”)
    4The Key to the Unknown WorldIl JaTo the New Continent (In Development)'Ring of I'Lryer'
A MMORPG that is free. Graphics are better than Dungeon Siege, environments are lush, and most of the players are friendly. Bills itself as the 'First Oriental MMORPG'. Made by Koreans. Only drawback is that it is not yet finished, and there are only three jobs currently available.
Wow, its 3 o'clock already? Man, Kalonline just sucked away more of my life.
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Being mad as fuck about something. Making fun of someone or trying to be annoying.

Kal Top 100

So what I ate all yo shit Daquan you big mad or lil mad
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Kal Online is a free MMORPG developed by Inixsoft, a Korean based game company. It runs on the same game engine as Lineage 2, and is very similar. It was released to international gamers around October of 2004.
Inixsoft used their own home-made translator, and as a result, most of their English is horrid. However, the game was enjoyable without it.
Around March of 2005, Kal Shop was released. It allowed people to buy special in-game items with real money. This sparked a massive amount of credit card fraud, and the game went downhill. People without lives turned Kal into their life, quitting their jobs just to play it. Memory string modifications and credit card fraud caused the economic system to deteroriate, and gameplay value went down as a result. To keep from being banned, people like a player named codon had family members do CCF for them.
Kal Online is now a game full of assholes and credit card frauders. Cookies to those who did their best to keep it good: Tsubasa, Synn, Aimen.
codon: dood, chek owt my +15 Legendary 15!
Synn: You're a disgrace to Kal Online.
Kal GM: The Kal Online server is for maintaining down.
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1. let's play kalonline - btw don't forget to run the speedhack or we won't be able to level what with all the assassin speedhacker one-hit-killers running round pking us.
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kal online is an mmorpg (massivly multiplayer online roleplaying game - phew) set in korea which is odd since most other mmorpg's are either old england or filled with guns. When you begin you can choose to make as many characters as you like on one free account. the choices are archer: focuses on the agility skill, mage: focuses on the wisdom/intelligence skills, warrioir: which focuses on strength. the 3 different classes all have a totally different set of armour and weapons and are rewarded with being able to wear new better armour each time they level. They are also allowed to spend 'points' on whatever stats they want (strength intelligence wisdon agility health) which they also gain as they level up. there are a wide variety of monsters to battle with on the game ranging from level 1 to level 100 and something (?). there are also quiet a few quests to do. the graphics are also pretty good. this said, its no were near as good as runescape ( i quit runescape a looooong time ago) cos runescape is a helluvah lot more addictive. admitting runescape is good is rare from someone who has quit it.
yo bluds like lets play kal online like yeahshizzlenit.
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Kalonline Guide

Feb 9 trending

Kalonline Archer Build

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose